Best Western City HotelTurnhout, Belgium
In the Belgian Turnhout, near the Grote Markt, you will find the Best Western City Hotel. The City Hotel won the International Quality Award in 2009 and 2011. This means that it belongs to one of the 4,200 ‘BEST WESTERN’ hotels in the world regarding cleaning, maintenance, hospitality and service!
Best Western City Hotel chose to start with two sets in order to prevent trouble with all kinds of insects at the places they bothered us most. The sets have been placed in the kitchen and in the restaurant.
VAPOSECT is an excellent product to combat and prevent. We are very satisfied.
Would you like to spend the night in Turnhout, Belgium? You are more than welcome.
Mocht u willen overnachten in Turnhout? Dan bent u van harte welkom.